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Family Fancy Dress Ball Pics…

Nov 13 • Senior Club News, Uncategorised • 2260 Views • No Comments on Family Fancy Dress Ball Pics…

The Leigh Miners Rangers Family Fancy Dress Ball was a great success last night. Attended by approximately 150 people it was supported really well by the community with lots of new faces attending. It was obvious those attending had gone to alot of effort with their fancy dress as there was some amazing outfits.

Louby Lou made a suprise entrance and took time out from entertaining the Manchester United football players children to put on a show for us. David Julian performed a great set on stage to entertain the adults.

We would like to thank all the people who made the night an excellent success from the bar staff, face painters, caterers, raffle collectors and everyone else who helped out!

Please let us know your thoughts so we can improve future events by completing a 2 minute survey  here…

Keep checking this website for our next event!

Below are some pics during the night…


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